Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Spirograph Effect

Remember the Spirograph? Relive your childhood memories with this simple yet stunning effect. Learn the "Ctrl+d" shortcut to save tons of time with repetitive tasks and try out some different brushes to get some cool variations on the same idea.

Step 1: Create a new document, it doesn't matter what size, because you can resize vector graphics to any size you want without losing quality. Then, using the Ellipse Tool, draw an ellipse shape - it doesn't have to be a perfect circle.

Step 2: Select your ellipse. Using the Rotate Tool, click an inch or so below your ellipse. This sets the point around which you will rotate your ellipse. Now click and drag, starting somewhere above your ellipse and moving to the right. Hold the ALT key, then release the mouse button (this will make a copy of the ellipse). You should be left with two ellipses side by side in slight rotation.

Step 3: And for the cool part, just keep pressing CTRL+d (CMD+d for macs) to repeat the last step over and over until you have a "circle of circles". For more excitement, if you can handle it, just hold down CTRL+d for a while. And that's all there is to it!

NOTE: Don't forget to try different shapes, rotation angles, and stroke & fill. Take a look at the bottom-right image for the same starting ellipse with the 'Text Divider 15' brush applied to the paths.

SOURCE= http://www.biorust.com/tutorials/detail/265/en/

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